When Angela’s husband Jimmy came to a conference at Elevation Church in Blanchester last year, Angela stayed home. Jimmy had such an amazing experience at the conference that he kept bugging her to go to a conference. Finally Angela decided to try out the conference at Linden Avenue Church in Dayton.

In Angela’s words:

I walked in and was met by Debbie. As I handed her my registration papers she said “Oh, You’re Jimmy’s wife! We’ve been praying for you!!”  My husband wanted me to come because he had been to a conference months before and he and I were struggling to find marital peace.  The reason I had come is that my mom was watching the kids and I had that night free – like a vacation!  So I went and sat down near the back, ready to prove to my Jimmy that I did not need to do this. After all, I had already been through inner healing three times.  The music started.  It was good; it stirred me some.  I glanced back behind me and here was this girl smiling at me.  I thought she was with RLI because she was so nice.  Later I discovered she was there just like me and we became really good friends. Saturday was hard, sitting through all that teaching. My sacroiliac and back were bothering me pretty bad.  I thought about not going back on Sunday, but the thought of no kids for another day sounded good! So, Sunday was an experience.  The music was great, the presence of God, the ministry was…interesting.  I left that night and I did feel a little different.  Monday was the same, but it was getting better. Tuesday – Wow!  I had had a dull headache in my neck and shoulders all week, and that night, Bryn was walking by me and she said she could feel depression and demanded it to go.  I started sobbing and I literally could feel my headache go, my shoulders relax and my neck stop hurting. Then, I knew this was real! My baby started sleeping all night! Hallelujah!  And it just kept getting better!  Someone Bryn was talking to during the ministry one day was having problems and Bryn was having her repeat after her.  She was telling us to “choose life”. At that moment I realized I had wanted to die.  I had not been living. So I chose life!   Through that whole week I was continually amazed. I never realized all of these things that were in my life until we repeated them out loud and told them to go.  I felt so much better…lighter!  I loved how when ministry would start, the team would take their places.  It felt like we were going to battle, and guess what?  We were!  With the ”intercontinental ballistic missile” in us (named Holy Spirit!) we never lost one battle!  Personal ministry on Saturday was awesome!  Retha helped me so much. She helped me recognize and deal with stuff that I had no idea was there.  I am so grateful for Restoring Lives International!

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